GMC Policies

  • Attendance Policy
    • Attendance on the first and last working day of every term is compulsory.
    • Parents are requested to plan their vacation in accordance with the school planner. Parents are expected to fill in the record of non-attendance for absence up to two days. In case of absence for three days or more, a leave application addressed to the Principal must be submitted to the school.
    • Leave for going out of station during the session should be approved by the Principal and should be given in Advance for the Approval.
    • Frequent unexplained absence from school renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission will be granted only at the discretion of the Principal.
    • Students will be allowed to appear for the Final Examination and be promoted to the next higher Grade only if they have attendance of 90%. However, the Principal may relax the criteria on medical or any other special grounds.
    • Students are expected to be present on all days marked compulsory attendance in the almanac and on certain days as enumerated below:
      • Non-teaching activity days, like Teachers' Day, Children's Day, Foundation Day etc.
      • A fortnight before every important assessment.
      • A school working day amidst several public holidays.
    • Parents are requested not to send their wards if they are unwell, not even to appear for assessments, Unit Review, etc. In case of contagious diseases, the stipulated quarantine period must be observed before the child is sent to school. Parents must inform the school about the medical reports & medication given to their ward by the Doctor/Nurse.
    • Students who are on leave during any particular school day are permitted to meet teachers to hand assignment. During study leave students may meet teachers but need to come to school in over any their school uniform.
    • Early departure from school is discouraged, however, it may be allowed in special cases at the discretion of the Principal. An Entry in Early Going register is compulsory before taking the ward earlier than the School prescribed time.
    • Please note that 90% attendance is compulsory for promotion to the next grade. If attendance is less than 90%, promotion will be granted only after discussion with the Principal.
  • Uniform & Appearance Policy
    • It is mandatory for all Pupils to wear their school Identity Card and Prescribed School uniform on all school days.
    • Children are allowed to wear their casual clothes to school on their birthdays only.
    • Winter uniform should be worn as per the school's guidelines.
    • Hair style must be appropriate. Long hair of girls must be neatly plaited. Girls with pierced ears may wear one pair of small studs. Any other fancy jewellery will be confiscated. Colouring of hair is not permissible.
    • Nails should be neatly trimmed. Boys are not permitted to have long hair or wear studs
    • The use of permanent effects and mehendi is not allowed in school (Only Permissible under Special Permission by Principal). Tattoos or body piercing are not permitted for school Pupils.
    • Clean ironed uniform is mandatory to wear on all school days
    • No rolled up sleeves are allowed in the School.
    • Students are expected to wear Proper School shoes and bring appropriate school bag. The Collar button should be always put on and tie should be properly worn. No slim fit trousers and ankle length trousers are allowed. Socks color prescribed by the school is only allowed. Shoe Polish and Uniform will be checked regularly by the Uniform prefects.
  • Transport Policy
    • All students using the school transport facility are expected to be at the stipulated bus stop at least five minutes before the scheduled time (pick-up), The vehicle will not wait at the stop after the specified time. Parents should ensure that they are on time for their wards to be collected from the bus stop (drop time) to avoid inconvenience to other students. Students will be handed over at their respective bus stops only to the bearer of the Escort Card.
    • In case of any change of bus route, (temporary / permanent), parents must submit a writtenapplication addressed to the Principal at the Front Office, well in advance.
    • Any parent whose child uses school transport and who wishes to collect him/her/them from school for any particular reason must inform the school office, well in advance and details of the person who is coming to pick up if the parents are not coming to pick up. The School may deny handing over the Child to any one unknown or suspicious to the admin officer or school officials.
    • Students are expected to be disciplined inside the buses and not cause damage to the vehicle. If any student is found doing so, despite repeated warnings, he/she might not be allowed to use the school transport. Also, the parents are liable to bear all costs for any damage incurred.
    • The students are to behave in a sensible manner whilst travelling in the transport. They should not disturb others, especially the driver. Bad behavior can cause accidents.
    • Transport fees as applicable, has to be timely paid to keep the transport service on. Any nonpayment of transportation fee may result in discontinuity of the transport services.
    • The routes of the school buses are drawn up based on convenience and demand while ensuring that no route is overly long. Parents should consult the School's transport in-charge for necessary details.
  • Bus Rules
    • Parents are requested not to board school buses to see off or receive their wards.
    • Parents should not try to overtake and stop the School bus to facilitate the boarding of their wards as this endangers the safety of the bus and its occupants. This act will lead to strict disciplinary action.
    • Parents should not take up issues with the teachers present in the bus or the conductor / driver. If there is any problem, a communication should be forwarded to the Administrative office
    • Under no circumstances are students allowed to go behind or under the parked buses within the school campus. Students are also not allowed to sit in the parked buses during school hours.
    • Under no circumstances, should students touch the instrument panel of the buses.
    • A student using the school bus is expected to be at the bus stop at least five minutes before the scheduled arrival of the bus. The student has to be on the correct side of the arriving bus. The scheduled pick-up time is available with the Transport-in-charge at the school. The school reserves the right to alter the timings, routes and stops as and when necessary, keeping parents duly informed of any such changes.
    • Students are issued an ID Card. The ID Card should be worn by the student before boarding the bus and the same should be worn at all times till the end of the return journey.
    • If any parent whose child is using the school transport service wishes to take their ward privately in his/her own transport, he or she must collect the Permission Slip from the school authorities two hours before the end of the last class
    • Students are allowed to use only the allotted bus and bus stop. No change can be allowed without prior written permission of the school, in reference to a parental written request. If a student misses his allotted bus he should not try to board any other bus. It is the responsibility of the parents to drop off their wards to the school. However the student may return by the allotted bus.
    • The school will not be held responsible for any disruption in the bus services. In case of any discrepancy, parents may meet the Transport-in-charge.
    • The buses will not wait for latecomers. No phone calls to this effect can be entertained.
    • Students should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives.
    • No student should come near the entry door of the bus until it comes to a complete halt. The front door of the bus is the only authorized entrance and exit. Boarding and alighting from buses should be done in silence and in an orderly manner
    • All students must occupy vacant seats immediately after boarding their respective buses. Reservation of seats for co commuters is not allowed under any circumstances.
    • No student should travel standing on the footboard. Students must not move around in the bus when it is in motion. The students must make sure that the aisle of the bus is clear and neat, school bags and other belongings are placed properly.
    • Students must not put any part of their body outside the bus. They should not put their hands out even for waving.
    • No object should be discarded inside or thrown outside the bus. Consumption of food items is not permitted in the buses.
    • Unruly behavior like shouting and playing foul is strictly prohibited. Courteous behavior is expected at all times. The driver's attention must not be distracted for any reason.
    • The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stops only. The list of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters and is always subject to change by the transport authorities only.
    • The bus attendant on duty is responsible for maintaining discipline in the buses. Any serious offence must be reported to the School Co-ordinator immediately.
    • In case of any change, of a temporary or permanent nature, in transport pick-up/drop point or transport route, the permission for the same has to be sought by making an application to the Transport department at the School office at least 3 working days in advance. In case of permanent change of transport route, the application must be filed at the School Office.
    • crossing of the road after dropping in the scheduled stoppage. Parents have to ensure that their wards do not go to and fro from bus stops unescorted. The bus attendant will not extend any assistance to the student for crossing of the road after dropping in the scheduled stoppage
    • Parents (or whoever is authorised by the parents) if demanded have to produce the Escort Card at the bus stop to receive their wards from the respective bus drop points failing which the student will be brought back to the school and will be handed over only on production of escort card.
    • The Monthly Transport service charges for the scheduled route/routes will be as per notification. Fees will be charged for all 12 months. A parent, who withdraws the transport facility before the vacations and re-joins after the vacations, may not be given the transport service facility. The amount is payable along with the school fees on a half yearly basis.
    • Bus services will be discontinued without further notice for children who do not follow bus rules, damage accessories in the bus, offend passers-by with their actions or words etc., fails to pay transport fees on time. If any student is reported to be throwing objects outside from the school bus, strict disciplinary action will be taken against him or her.
    • No withdrawal would be considered without prior written intimation of one clear month.
  • Gmc Discipline Policy

    GMC is striving to make all students responsible citizens of tomorrow.

    Citizenship training is imparted in the school. The primary aim of the school is to transform young children into mature, responsible and self controlled members of society.

    • Language: English is the medium of instruction and the language of communication in the school campus. Students are expected to converse with each other only in English. Abusive language is strictly prohibited.
    • Behavior: Students are expected to be humble, respect others, carefully handle their own and school property, observe rules and follow safety procedures. Students need to be respectful towards teachers and helper staff. Students are expected to be well behaved at all times.
    • Timing: Each student is responsible for reporting to school on time in the morning and for being present in his/her classroom during regular class hours. Habitual late-coming to school and class is a serious impediment to education and can cause distraction in the classroom. The school gates will close at 8.00 am (subject to change depending on the school timings) after which no student would be allowed to enter the school premises. No student will be allowed to leave the school campus before dispersal time without prior information from the parents (in writing)
    • Home/Classroom Discipline: Essential agreements are made by the class teachers with students and have to be followed strictly. Agreements will include: classroom disciplining, assembly time regulations, food time and dispersal time discipline and maintaining the proper dress code.
    • Addictive behavior:
      • Substance abuse or any such behaviour during school hours shall lead to seriousconsequences. Yellow/red card will be directly issued to students in such cases and Parents will be immediately called.
      • Bunking of classes and bullying (other students) are strictly prohibited. The attitude of students to other students, teachers and staff members (drivers, helpers, guards, housekeeping) has to be gentle and polite.
      • Using the vernacular (except for language classes) and abusive language will lead to warning cards, should it persist suspension and a parent call may follow.
      • Destruction of school property will lead to serious consequences.
      • Any kind of self injurious behavior will lead to a direct call to parent without any warning.
      • For any Activity Classes House uniforms are compulsory
    • Uniform/I Cards/School Almanac: All students are expected to come to school in neat and proper uniform. No fancy accessories are allowed. All students are expected to wear the Identity Card and bring the School Almanac every day. In case of loss of the Identity Card and School Almanac, a letter is to be submitted to the Class Teacher along with a payment of Rs.50 for Identity Card and Rs. 100 for School Almanac. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
    • Lending or Borrowing: Proper care is to be taken of books borrowed from the school library. In case of loss, replacement or compensation is to be made by the parents/guardian.
    • Unacceptable Actions:
      • Students bringing mobile phones, iPods, cameras and other gadgets to the school.
      • Damage to school property, will be dealt with sternly in addition to parents paying the cost of the property damaged.
      • Entering the school hostel during school hours.
      • Possession of any Intoxicant, drug or medicines that are not administered by school medical staff.
      • Cheating or copying the work of another, malpractice in Tests & Examinations, use of inappropriate language or gestures, engaging in calling names or verbal abuses or make insulting statements to or about others.
      • Fighting or promoting a fight, or any other form of violence.
    • Disciplinary Actions: Students will be counseled on minor acts of indiscipline. On major acts of indiscipline they will be issued with a warning letter and parents will be informed of the same. On issue of three repeated warning letters for major in disciplinary acts, the Disciplinary Committee will recommend the matter to the Principal for issuing a Transfer Certificate to the child. The school reserves the right to suspend or to take strict disciplinary action against a student whose conduct is harmful to other students

      Smoking, chewing tobacco, gutka, paan etc is strictly prohibited. Students indulging in such activities will be removed from the school forthwith. Any student found in possession of obscene books, pictures, video, audio cassettes etc will be dismissed from the school immediately.
    • Removal from School: Discipline is of paramount importance in grooming a child to be a good citizen. We request the total cooperation of parents to ensure that the child obeys the school rules implicitly. The school has a policy on discipline which clearly stipulates as follows:
    In case of severe acts of indiscipline:

    First warning - counselling and suspension in the school campus with intimation to parents to come to school / Second warning - suspension of the child for a period of 10 to 15 days; to be brought back to the school only by parents / Third warning - Dismissal from the school with an appropriate unsatisfactory conduct

    Transfer Certificate. Note: Instances of drinking alcohol, drugs, bullying, damage to school property, defiance of school authority and any violent act will entail immediate dismissal from the school. The Management reserves the right to remove a student from the school due to the gravity of these Offences.

  • Student Withdrawal Policy
    • Notice of one calendar month before the quarter begins is to be given in writing in case of withdrawal of a student, failing which the entire fees of the forthcoming quarter is to be paid. All dues for that quarter have to be cleared before the Transfer Certificate is issued.
    • In case of withdrawal without notice, the fees shall continue till the parents submit a written application for withdrawal. The Complete fee of such period has to be paid before the LC is issued. No verbal communication or message from whatsapp or other means will be considered against application for withdrawal. Only Handwritten application would be entertained and considered for issuing a School transfer certificate
    • Transfer Certificates and student Progress Reports are issued only when all dues are cleared, school property (including books and equipment) is returned and a "No Dues Certificate" has been issued by all the concerned Departments.
  • Gift Policy

    Kindly note that GMC follows a no gift policy in the school; on no occasion should gifts be given to teachers or any other staff members in the school. Birthdays are happy occasions and may be celebrated with teachers and friends with the distribution of good quality candies (Eclairs)

  • Student Council

    The Council is headed by the Head Boy and Head Girl. The Council members are Student Council elected after a rigorous electoral process and voted by students of STD 4 and above. The Council with the in all school activities and ensures discipline and harmony during school events. It also assists the school teachers in various school activities throughout the year. They are allotted batches and titles to mark them as School prefects.